A Call For The Re-enactment of ESAN Youth Responsibility of Maintainability of our Villages

Ughoha Secondary School

Eguare Primary School Ewohimi

#RevolutionIsNow President Buhari Government has been paying monthly statutory allocation in millions directly to Local govt accounts since June. How many of you have challenged your local govt chairman? Lily-livered people. You cannot hold chairman without immunity accountable.

Infrastructure has been built and renovated across Esanland, but grasses have overgrown Ugboha, Ewohimi Eguare secondary & primary school and most schools and public infrastructures in Esanland. What is the youth in our community doing about it?

Everyone is crying Abuja; no one is taking up the responsibility to maintain infrastructures and encourage the government to do more.

Let call a spared a spare. Esanland youth need to wake up and uphold our cultural values and take up the responsibility to clear and clean and maintain our community. It's the youths that clear farm part and maintains the roads that lead to streams, river and the sweeping of our community.

We cannot just throw away the best of our culture and keep the worst of our past then you come and tell us, you're Proudly Esanland. Osanobua forbids!

Text by Henry Iyoriobhe

"My brother may the good lord remember you in his kingdom. We were all involved in community services as youth when we were living in the village. Right from Primary/Secondary School pupils. Like clearing of farm roads, cleaning of markets and the Enojie palace.

We constructed and amended community roads, bridges, market structures, schools, maternity centres, construction and building of individuals houses, helping those who didn't have children or who were sick in their farms, etc.

People were punished or made to pay fines for failure to attend. Dates were usually fixed and announced for this purpose. There were orderliness and respect for seniority. Youths were hard working and respectful. The elders, community heads, chiefs and parents were very responsible, and they treated every child equally as their own. Today all these are in the past in our villages and communities. Youths now sell community and village land and they spend the money on themselves, invite thieves and armed robbers to terrorize their towns and villages. They liaise with government representatives to defraud their villages and their Entitlement, involve in electoral malpractice, cultism and killing of one another, to mention but a few. These same people are the ones looking for the most natural way out to make money. They will not talk to their Local Council Chairmen and their Counselors because they feed on them. Instead, whenever they want attention or are hungry, they accused the government, make noise disturbing innocent people who are going about with their daily business. So, my brother, we have a long way to go. How we get into this messed still baffled me. But I believe one day God will see us through.

Thank you for the excellent work you are doing.
You are indeed a true son of Esan land."

These two photos from Ugboha secondary school & Eguare primary school in Ewohimi, it's a reflection of the state of Esanland TODAY.

The negligent of youth responsibility in Esanland.

Let leave government out of this matter. Government has done its part, community leaders/youth need to do their part to maintain infrastructures in our villages.

It's shameful and un-ESANLAND, and we are calling for the Re-enactment of ESAN Youth Responsibility of Maintainability of our communities. Defaulters are made to pay a fine. That's the Esanland we all known and should uphold.

Editorial Team

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