So, where are the Esan Folks with resources and skills? ESANLAND NEED YOU!!! By WPP Jr

We need to explore Commercial Agribusiness/Value Added Chains in Esanland TODAY. Agriculture is the oil of the future and it holds the keys to transform Esanland forever.

Renewable Energy is the fuel of the future that is powering the Digital Age Revolution of today.

Agriculture will never go out of fashion. People must eat. The good news is, Nigeria Central Train Line, Warri Itakpe Trail Line, which passed through Esanland is completed, full commercial service will begin soon. With 2nd phase plan to connect  Abuja from kogi State, which link Lagos Kano to Central Train Line contract has been awarded. Also, N3.9 billion contract has been awarded for the construction of a new port in Warri, thereby expanding the old Warri Port.

What does that mean for Esanland, Edo State and Nigeria? Easier export of agricultural produce, raw or finish produce to Northern Nigeria, neighbouring countries and overseas.

Soon, it will be easier to transport processed agricultural produces, goods and services from Esanland through train freight from Esanland to northern Nigeria, and export through Warri port to America or other part of the world.

Agriculture holds the keys to Esanland prosperity

Agriculture is one of the greatest potential that will transform Esanland forever. There are thousands of jobs that can be created through commercial Agriculture in Esanland thereby lifting our people from low income to higher income earner, especially through Agri Value Chain-Processing of agricultural produce.

Esanland is not poor but our mindset dictates our poor ways of thinking. As a man thinks in his heart, so he is. That is why we need to reset our mind to upright thinking and free ourselves from self imposed limitations we find our self today, and break ourselves free from negatives belief, redirect our minds to positive energy. Instead of seeing every challenges or problem from negative perspective, rather we should see it from the reality of life. When you see a cat passing by know that it is going somewhere.

How Do We Go About This?

If you are not interested in farming explore Value Added Chain – turning agricultural produce into finish product. We all know Bendel Garri –Ogbolo, etc etc Melon is the king in Nigeria because it’s the finest. Why are we still selling Bendel Garri in  basins?

We  need to develop better marketing of agricultural produce from Esanland and phase out old fashion marketing system - selling Garri in Basins. We need to properly process agricultural produce and package in Esanland:

Palm oil,
Pineapples juice
Guava juice
Mango juice
Orange juice
Pounded yam powder
Cassava syrup – (Read Cassava Glucose Syrup
Banana juice

The processing of Agricultural Produce is what I mean by value added chains.

Every harvest season every year organic mangoes, fruits get wasted away in Esanland running into billions. Yet we are complaining, crying Hausa this or that is our problem. Yet Osanobua has given us everything we need to meet all our needs but we’ve failed to organize ourselves and redefined our destiny and get our people out of poverty.

We need to begin to package these items in industrial scale. Cluster industry is all we need, group farmers of these produce into cooperative, train farmers in latest Technic of crop productions, give them hybrid seeds, let the cluster industry become Off takers of these produce and package them for local and international export, thereby increasing the value of these produce, while farmers benefits from stable prices.

Now is the time to look inward. 

Let us stop feeding on  negativity – Vultures carcasses on social media. Stop sending your family members negative fake news from Nigeria. News without battery. So  you mean to tell me, all you see all over Nigeria is fake video of someone turning to chicken, no wonder so many of you are handicap because your mind is filled of dead beat junks. The Indians, Chinese are setting up shops making money while Nigerians are complaining where foreigners are taking over our economic. Isn’t that a shame that the Indians are setting up factory to produce ordinary plantain chips for Nigerians to buy? What stop you -Esanland entrepreneur from setting up plantain chips factory in Esan? The raw materials are in abundance.  Let us wake up from our slumber. Let us collectively hold our people -the LGA Chairman accountable and stop given into poverty mind, waiting for others to do for us what only us can do for ourselves. Remember, you cannot donate a people out of poverty. We must encourage and challenge our people to do things for themselves.

We need to begin to train our youth to love Dignity of Labour and be dedicated to service to our nation and Esanland. The work ethnic today in Nigeria among Nigerians today is not encouraging but we can change that.

Esanland 5 Local Government Area must come up with master plans for basic infrastructures development in Esanland e.g

1.      Road
2.     Water
3.     Electricity
4.     Security
5.     Skills acquisition centres for the youth

They must collectively tackle electricity problem. Under the federal Quick Power Recovery plans, the private sector does not need licences to develop 1-3 megawatt electricity. Each LGA council can also develop a master plan to attract private investment in power generation. We have rivers that can generate clean electricity to power each Local Council. Each council can collaborate and create one power grade to power their area. The possibility is great but we must think out of the box.  

Have a plan to attract Private Sector investment in Power Generation. Esan folks have the skills, the fund and the technical know – how to build a smart village, that’s prosperous and well develop.  Esanland is the land that’s flowing with milk and honey.

We must give our TODAY for a better TOMORROW. Remember, the future belong to those that build than those that destroyed.

Think of one good thing you can do to promote development in Esanland TODAY!

Chief Editor/Publisher
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