was originally created to high light developmental issues in Ewohimi. But due to lack of unorganized visible representation of Esanland online, it was expanded to cover entire Esanland to bring organized structure to ESANLAND online globally.

 It is an online library community forum created for all sons and daughters of Esanlandhome and in Diaspora to make it easy for them to access ESANLAND history, rich cultural heritage in the interest of the common good of us all. It’s a Non-for profit publication for the purpose of:
1) Education 
2) Research
3) Entertainment

It is solely dedicated to the preservation of Esandland rich cultural heritage, history and for the education of our people, for the collective progress of Esanland. Ewohimi.com is about ESANLAND, is not about the name is about inclusive development for ESANLAND FOLKS.

When it comes to Esanland development, I appeal to the honourable sons and daughters of Esanland today, please let us once and for all forget about the names of the villages we come from. We must expand our horizon, unchain our potential, free ourselves from self imposed limitations, of sectional ideology to a broader vision and concentrate in driving collective - inclusive development for Esanland. Ema-pounded yam and Egusi do not fight in the cauldron, that’s why in Esanland yam is king.

Esanland, we’re all kings and queens, let us arise and rebuild ESANLAND /Nigeria TODAY! From State to National level let us get all the bread and butter - cakes –development that’s entitled to Esanland. We must redefine Esanland in this 21st century. If Ewatto man despises 
Ojiogba man he despises himself.  

Remember, “The future belongs to those that build than those that destroy.” 

"Nations do not grow overnight as mushrooms or by miracle. Nations are the result of vision, commitment, selfless sacrifices by men and women who believe in the cause of the nation.” Emeka O Ojukwu.

Submit a story:
We publish: History, Agriculture and Health.
Photos, history, articles, events notices, essays, opinion, poetry, Esan wise proverbs etc

mobilizing ESANLAND for a better tomorrow.


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