Success is Attractive.

Infrastructural development eradicates superstitious beliefs. Because development breaks strong holds of underdevelopment. For instance, if we go to our community sink bore hole, renovate and upgrade community schools, folks are going to be inspired, motivated and aspire to go higher. By @WPPraise

Success is attractive. We all get attracted to good news; it lights up our day and makes living beautiful and attractive.

Evil is distraction. It weakens and depresses minds.

Underdevelopment is unattractive. It produces hopelessness and discouragement. You see, folks fear change and resist change although they talk about change a lot but only few are ready for change.

In a nutshell, development is progressive and changes undecided minds to embrace progressive ideology. Right now in Esanland/Nigeria, fear is been propagated while progressive ideology is been resisted. Whereas,
“Whatever you fear most has no power-it is your fear that has the power” Oprah

Some of us fear too much. We fear rain we fear sunshine. When our own shadow is cast by our walking, we are afraid. We fear rodent scavenging for food; we fear repeated failures without making effort to correct our wrongs.

We fear to live we fear to die. Yet we want to go to paradise. That’s why in living in fear we live less and less and become underproductive. We produce less and less and become less.

We fear to change yet we want change. We say we believe in God but we live in perpetual fear and pray in fear, prayer that never pass through ceiling because we are fearful of things that will never happen to us. We quote “If God be for us who can be against us”. Yet, we still live in perpetual fear because our minds is twisted by hard core traditional superstitious beliefs.

Remember, whatever you fear most has no power-it is your fear that has the powerAs a matter of fact, what we fear most is ineffective except we live and believe in fear.

How do we disengage the minds of the fearful from living in fear? You can read my piece Stop Giving Your Power Away”.  STOP GIVING YOUR POWER AWAY

I will encourage you-Esanland/Nigeria, religious institutions, corporate private sector to develop the habit of giving back to communities – all progressives minds to engage in social community projects e.g.

1. Renovation, equipping of schools
2. Building of clinics
3. Provisions of food to the needing in our communities
4. Helping the elderly
5. volunteering at public library to help stock book shelf
6.  Cleaning of public parks
7. Forming community groups to clean up the environment- beaches Public parks, clean up polluted rivers, illegal dumping of refuse
8. Help stop illegal wood logging by educating communities with better practice of earning a living and also preserving the forest for future generation.
9. Organize free coaching class for JAMB, WAEC aspirant
10. Development of community centres etc

“Your pride for your country should not come after your country becomes great; your country becomes great because of your pride in it.” – Idowu Koyenikan

See one good thing you can do for Esanland/Nigeria today

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